"Black Ops" Update United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit Engages in a Criminal Cover up of Welfare Fraud

Pattern and Practice of Corruption


Widespread Corruption Rules United States Courts, far beyond simply assuming the status of Kangaroo Courts. The United States has become the de facto home for extremely egregious human rights violations coupled with its latest title of home to the fastest rise in cybercrimes much of which is originating in the federal government itself.

The backdrop of this current appeals court issue is with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed back in July of 2021. At no point did the government every release a single piece of paper relative to the FOIA action. This is now at least the third time this case has been in the federal court of appeals for the second circuit which is situated in New York, NY. None of the issues ever raised in the second circuit court were ever addressed. Not one. In fact, this latest instance, like its predecessors, did not even involve a single affirmative paper being filed, in the appeals court, by the defendant i.e. The Department of Justice. And in each instance, in the appeals court, the case was dismissed and immediately reassigned to a Chinese clerk by the name of Yenni Liu. Documents are illustrative of this corruption. Be sure to read the second set of documents on the next page.

Read On.


United States Home of Systemic Human Rights Abuses


Again, all of these dismissals arose without even a hint of opposition from the adverse party have been routed to the Chinese clerk Yenni Liu. Appellant has no involvement with these corrupt Asians and Chinese, in particular, in this appeals court who are aligned with the far left wing WOKE Blacks. All of this activity is driven, in large part, via individuals in high positions of power of the Biden Administration. And for what it’s worth the second circuit is overseen by the Justice Sonya Sotomayor, another far left radical liberal, who cannot or will not even control her own circuit. Not only does this criminal behavior require an extensive criminal investigation, there simply is no justifiable reason why circuit chief judge Deborah Ann Livingston is not a party to a criminal investigation and likewise removed from the bench, as should be the case with Leshann DeArcy Hall, who is the lower court district judge. And the lower court docket already has judge Hall on the record committing very serious violations which even the least intelligent judge in the entire United States Courts system would have known not to commit. To mask Judge Hall’s corruption and civil misconduct she issued a serious of docket text Orders to get her ‘Brothas’ and Caucasian bosses off the hook, as part of their cover up with respect to the FOIA documents themselves. Thus, Black judge Leshann DeArcy Hall, several times now, has committed criminal acts to protect the adverse party with which she has some sort of relationship or otherwise favors because of their race.

The fact that lower court Black judge Leshann DeArcy Hall is a subject to one or more judicial misconduct complaints cannot denied. Incidentally, so too is circuit chief judge Deborah Ann Livingston. At the end of the day the United States of America owns this corruption and cover up as the GOP not only knows about it; but, their guy, Chair Jim Jordan, of the House Committee on the Judiciary has failed to take any action against either of these judges. In fact, Chair Jordan has not done much of anything aside from cheering on President Trump and pushing that agenda. Moreover, there is reason to believe that a faction of the GOP orchestrated the entire criminal cover up, which has been ongoing for more than three (3) years, because the FOIA documents which the government refuses to release because such is likely damaging to one or more members of their party. The United States has become the home of problematic party politics and corruption. That is the new standard.

This is how the United States government operates and contrary to popular opinion this type of corruption and seedy government behavior did not commence four years ago, conversely, it has been ongoing for many decades now. At the same time, this is, perhaps, one of the most illustrative examples. The United Nations was engaged more than fifteen (15) times with respect to this pattern and practice of extreme human rights abuses.

How does such qualify as human rights abuses? Well first, the United States government, which is entirely wayward, created the financial destitute poverty situation where it is directly responsible for identity theft and a forced extreme poverty situation spanning more than two (2) years in New York City, NY alone. During the entire time the federal government via its employees and/or hired actors have been engaging in illegal physical tracking, stalking, and harassment pursuant their disappear criminal cover up schemes which involves extortion and/or blackmail both of which are extremely serious federal crimes involving significant prison sentences.

In any event, the basis of the corruption is to disrupt ones identity, interfere with all financial activity and transactions, enforce suppression, oppression, and cover ups via poverty, all the while using their actors/employees, ante, to advance a disappear scheme. All of this is known by the GOP and the United Nations. And worse even, the United States Congress is well aware of the criminal tactics used, if it did not direct the same itself, i.e. 702 FISA PRISM criminal abuses used to spy on individuals. Couple that with the FCC being in bed with the federal government to advance a criminal cover up, and you have a situation whereas the United States government is totally sideways, on its face, which would seem to require direct intervention by the United Nations given the United States Congress is unable or unwilling to address the corruption in their own courts. This type of abuse of power and corruption, on its face, demonstrates the type of cowardice of public officials who will do just about anything to keep an unwitting public believing this broken pillar of the United States is actually an authentic court system of law. It is not.