"Black Ops" Update United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit Engages in a Criminal Cover up of Welfare Fraud

Pattern and Practice of Corruption


Widespread Corruption Rules United States Courts, far beyond simply assuming the status of Kangaroo Courts. The United States has become the de facto home for extremely egregious human rights violations coupled with its latest title of home to the fastest rise in cybercrimes much of which is originating in the federal government itself.

The backdrop of this current appeals court issue is with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed back in July of 2021. At no point did the government every release a single piece of paper relative to the FOIA action. This is now at least the third time this case has been in the federal court of appeals for the second circuit which is situated in New York, NY. None of the issues ever raised in the second circuit court were ever addressed. Not one. In fact, this latest instance, like its predecessors, did not even involve a single affirmative paper being filed, in the appeals court, by the defendant i.e. The Department of Justice. And in each instance, in the appeals court, the case was dismissed and immediately reassigned to a Chinese clerk by the name of Yenni Liu. Documents are illustrative of this corruption. Be sure to read the second set of documents on the next page.

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