MAGA Claims Victory in 2024 Election


MAGA claims victory in the 2024 election with at least 296 electoral votes cast for Donald Trump. Some have said all along that the MAGA agenda was more like Make America White Again. Well the jury is still out on that one; but certainly there is no doubt that White America ushered in the victory for Donald Trump. In any event, MAGA has claimed victory at the polls. That was the easy part, per se. The hard part or the reality is dealing with the “Now what?”

America is rife with an abundance of extremely serious economic, national, and social issues which the President Elect stated he was the only one capable of solving America’s issues, and that he would make a quick dent in some of the more critical issues i.e. wars abroad albeit cowardice at home, illegal immigration, the economy, and the American crime epidemic, to name a few.

Perhaps a few inquires to the incoming White House of 2025 are ripe for the picking:

  1. Donald Trump and J.D. Vance made the campaign all about Make America Great Again (MAGA), yet America under widespread GOP support has gone out of its way to make foreigners rich many times over via en mass H1B visas dating back to 2001, the beneficiaries of which have largely been countries such as India, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam. So the question is now that the GOP has made a certain percentage of the population of these countries rich while displacing Americans, which trend has continued under the Biden Administration, what will the Trump-Vance White House do to address this issue? Assuming the incoming White House sees it as an issue.
  2. According to the India, which is the #1 most populous country in the world, has already seen its economic GDP at 70% of the USA GDP. America has contributed in large part to this trend. So the two fold question is how many more millionaires and billionaires will America continue to make of foreign nationals from India in particular, driven by GOP policies while at the same time chanting MAGA MAGA MAGA? And is the treatment Americans receive by India (and most every other foreign nation) on their soil considered even remotely equitable to that which they receive in the USA in terms of immigration status, citizenship, wealth creation, business opportunities, equality, and business investments?
  3. At this point it is well known or should be well know that the Biden Administration aligned with a sub-culture of the Black community in a nefarious manner, which has lead to subverting several economic sectors, illustrative of a host of symptomatic issues seen over the past four years, under the King, ranging from crimes contributory to the crime epidemic (including in large part their own Black communities) to allegations of treason. So the question is, how does the White House intend to deal with this Black culture issue?
  4. It is well known that the USA debt-to-income ratio is more than 125% weighing in around $32 trillion and counting. By every economic measure on earth, such an economic status is considered wildly unhealthy, potentially destabilizing, and certainly untenable. Couple this with the widespread corruption in the United States Courts rigging cases which has advanced one or the other political party in terms of image. So the question becomes, when is America going to start paying its bills; the same standard by which it measures everyone else via its empirical reign?

That out to be enough to get started especially since the Right has it all figured out and has the framework ready to hit the ground running on Day One.