The Big Bad Apple

At this point it should be clear that Attorney General Pam Bondi has her Hands Full With the state of New York and New York City. The Big Bad Apple is showing its true colors for those who wish to look. Like a big bag of rotten apples, New York City is in legalhotwater with a number of issues.

The heart of NYC’s issues are in some form or fashion primarily centered around immigration. Less than two weeks ago, on or around February 14, 2025, Attorney General Pam Bondi instructed the Department of Justice, in the Southern District of New York, to drop the public corruption case against New York City Mayor Adams. That directive set off a number of resignations within the Department of Justice including the lead prosecutor against Mayor Adams. Then, within a week later, the City of New York decided to sue the Trump Administration due to the seizing of $80.5 million dollars from the coffers of the City of New York, which the City of New York had earmarked for its illegal immigration program(s), including accommodations at high end hotels, like the once five (5) star Row NYC in downtown New York City, which has been housing illegal immigrants for several years now.

So, New York City Mayor Adams, a former New York City (Brooklyn) police officer, cannot and does not fight against crime (organized crime, the unified Black Mob welfare fraud money crimes, financial institution crimes, etc.) in New York City; does not support housing and funding for native Americans, let alone the fraud the City commits with the CityFheps program and others; but, New York City Mayor Adams saw it fit to go to bat for illegal immigrants to recover $80.5 million dollars, which it was granted by the Biden Administration (FEMA -- and what was the FEMA emergency, again, to justify that grant?), that never should have been granted in the first place. Chalk this up as the first boondoggle for Attorney General Pam Bondi, perhaps she should have let the case go forward against New York City Mayor Adams as her, now, departed prosecutor Sassoon suggested. You think?

So what did the Trump Administration get out of that deal? Nothing. The New York courts, especially federal, are entirely and completely corrupt. So expect some clown pocket judge in the Southern District of New York to agree with Mayor Adams and may even require the United States to return the money to the City of New York. Doing so would of course be met with appeals up the ladder -- no doubt up to the United States Supreme Court. At this point, maybe the Trump Administration needs to get an office setup in the United States Supreme Court, since it is spending a great deal of time there -- some of which has been brought on by the administration's own miscalculations. What else did they expect Mayor Adams to do? Mayor Adams does not give a shit about his own City and has been an active participant in its decline; so the Department of Justice thought dropping the case against Mayor Adams was going to accomplish what exactly?

Then there is the ongoing battle with the State of New York over its Greenlight law favoring illegal immigrants. Essentially, the Greenlight law allows for illegal immigrants to obtain hassle free driver licenses. Needless to say, New York has demonstrated, on the record, a pattern and practice of being all in with respect to illegal immigrants and immigration. And the far left clown courts are right there manufacturing case law to advance that agenda.

This question comes to mind: If the $80 million seized by the Department of Homeland Security was improperly or illegally appropriated, then who has been arrested, to date, with respect to the illegal or improper appropriation of those funds? Meanwhile Mayor Adams complains of being entitled to the $80 million seized from the City of New York, since as Adams put it, “the city spent more than $7 billion in the last three years” – referring to the money spent by the City of New York via its support of illegal immigration. Well looks like Mayor Adams gets to learn a lesson as well. Tough Shit on the $7 billion the City lost on illegal immigration, for as the saying goes: “Go Woke, Go Broke,” which is where the City of New York is undoubtedly headed due to its extremely unsound investment strategies over the past three (3) years.

Tallahassee, Florida is not Washington, D.C. a lesson Attorney General Pam Bondi needs to learn and learn fast. And you don’t cut deals with New York City, NY – you will get railroaded every time. Clearly, Attorney General Pam Bondi has her hands full with New York – start with listening to your own prosecutors who want to prosecute for public corruption.

Read the City of New York's Lawsuit for Illegal Immigrant Funding Below: