The Big Apple is Rotten to the Core One Bite Makes You Sick


The Rotten Apple


What makes the The Big Apple Business Unfriendly and Rotten? A number of reasons, perhaps too many to discuss here. One thing for sure is that the consensus is in and New York City is not what it once was...even worse, it is highly unlikely to return to its Glory Days.

The Empire State is much more likely headed down the road of the Empty State. For too many, living in New York and in particular New York City, the rear view mirror is the past and the present. A city rife with corrupt politicians, criminal cover ups and more financial crimes than you can shake a stick at. Good luck hoping on hope. Take for example the sheer number of businesses leaving or otherwise which have already left the so-called Empire State. And what about the growing inventory in terms of New York City vacant office space of nearing 94 million square feet. Not impressed. Well according to the New York Times the New York City 94 million square feet of available office space is greater than Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth – combined. That should say all that needs to be said. There is little to no interest nor motivation for businesses to continue to operate within the Empire Stare or for a business to consider establishing a presence in The Empire State.

Think about it -- what justification does a business have for paying the extraordinary rents in New York City, accompanied with high crime rates lead by -- who knows what -- extreme left wing politics, ever increasing property crimes, eye popping insurance rates across the board, dwindling profit margins coupled with rising sales prices, skyrocketing cost of living, relatively unattractive weather, and overall a local government that seems hell bent on leading the way towards the City’s failure. The City of New York seems to actually want to fail and no one of sound mind desires to be aboard the next Titanic. Another example, how is it that the City of New York has 94 million square feet of available office space, which means hundreds of millions if not billions in lost tax revenue yet New York City’s primary focus is on supporting migrants? Supporting migrants has already cost the City of New York billions of dollars let alone these other pilot projects. And as for the native residents, sure it would seem sensible to support these individuals first and foremost – which the City does so – but true to form, the City is always on the wrong side of upwards. To wit: Regarding the limited residential property, actually available, the City of New York has catered to a great number of chronic losers i.e. career drug addicts, handicap scams, handicap con artists, WOKE, fake and falsified mental health issues, career criminals, and the gamut of individuals who have very little to no interest in bettering themselves nor the communities in which they live. To the contrary, the City of New York caters to those who have much more of a demonstrated interested in destroying the City.

The Master Plan

Apparently, there must be some master plan whereas the City’s behavior is going to advance party politics...perhaps we’re all waiting on the edge of our seats to see how such a plan manifests. Don’t wait too long though -- as it will be a fruitless venture. There is no master recovery plan. New York City has become ground zero for social warfare against any and everyone for the imagined slights of radicals, underachievers, criminals, the wayward, no-achievers, and generally those who believe they are entitled to best of the best while having capabilities and abilities very far below par.

And if that does not shake you to the core, try this on for size. As if the New York City trains (“MTA”) do not already have enough issues with crime, now apparently it's OK to go around punching nine year old girls in the face? Go figure! But apparently like most other crimes in New York City, you have a separate group who alleges to be community focused, yet again and again, if you listen closely you will hear them say how “Desensitized,” they are to such events. Desensitized: of course -- until it’s their nine year old daughter/son being punched in the face. And who are committing these crimes? No need to speculate the April 15, 2024 assailant of the nine year old girl is featured on the New York Post.

Once upon a time, Cleveland, Ohio was considered the armpit of East, or at least the armpit of its region. Now, that dubious title is clearly owned by New York City -- which is headed towards the fastest downward spiral in recent times on the City’s journey to becoming The Empty State. Perhaps, New York City should consider just how much it is gaining from its alignment with radicals, chronic losers, and identity politics -- which simply do not drive its bottom line – if anything, these same individuals are leading the way to the City’s decline.