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Red Light Green Light

So for those of you who are unaware, it appears as though the State of New York has found itself in very legalhotwater. The new incoming Attorney General Pam Bondi, has taken aim at the state of New York’s Green Light Law. Talk about coming out swinging. The lawsuit names all the bigwigs, starting first and foremost with Governor Hochul who is named in the lawsuit by her full name Kathleen Hochul, that’s when you know its serious folks. Then there is Governor Hochul’s -- chief -- Attorney General Letitia James, and the Commissioner of the DMV Mark J.F. Schroeder.

There has been a lot of tough talk so far.

"They are giving out billions of dollars that should not be distributed." Attorney General Pam Bondi (see YouTube Video above).

"Our state laws, including the Green Light law, protect the rights of all New Yorkers and keep our communities safe. I am prepared to defend our laws, just as I always have," said New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is also named in the suit. New York Attorney General Letitia James.

And lastly:

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, "[the law] has been upheld by the courts time and again." Governor Kathy Hochul. Apparently, the lawsuit upset Governor Hochul to the point that she canceled a planned luncheon with President Trump. That did not seem very smart, the food at the White House must be superb, why pass up a perfectly good lunch?

In any event, the Complaint has been digested on this side and at first glance Governor Hochul, Letitia James, and Mark J.F. Schroeder have a very very difficult hill to climb -- the upwards of 10,000 feet where the air is very thin and people don’t come back the same -- if at all. After all the tough talk is settled, it will come down to whether or not the State of New York gets to override the Constitutional Supremacy Clause, simply on the fact that it will allege that it is a sovereign state (which is arguable).

Even in the state of New York, this is such a frivolous argument that it could very likely be hit with sanctions. And we know the New York Federal Courts are a three ring circus because of the clown court a.k.a Second Circuit Court of Appeals which without a doubt is the most corrupt circuit in the entire United States of America. This case smells like the Supreme Court all day long which would undoubtedly be reversed if it gets that far. This case is so badly stacked against New York that you may actually see a few democrat Justices of the Supreme Court join in a decision with the Right wing of the Supreme Court.

Perhaps the writing is on the wall and Governor Hochul, Attorney General Letitia James, and Commissioner Schroeder need to get a head start on polishing up their resumes and get them circulating now. As the saying goes, “When you have a job, you can get a job.” So better start looking now!