The FBI Cover Up Conclaves
As promised folks, Legalhotwater has started releasing files per the more than 3.5 year Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") lawsuit against the rogue Federal Bureau of Investigation which is a component of the United States Department of Justice. We are now on batch release #6. This is what the FBI per its self proclaimed "Above the Law" status withheld for more than 3 years.
See if you can make sense of this heavily redacted material. This is what happens when your government goes rogue and declares itself above the law, answering to no one emboldened with their very own federal pocket judges i.e. Leshann DeArcy Monique Hall (LDH) in the Eastern District of New York federal court.
The FBI files batch release #6 promises to arouse just as many questions as batch release #5 and all others for that matter. The level of internal corruption and cover ups within the United States Department of Justice is so great it rivals that of infamous mobsters such as the John Dillinger gang. The difference is that this is the United States government and the actors are on the payroll of the government receiving salaries or pay from the United States Treasury. The judge overseeing the matter, ante, has two (2) judicial misconduct complaints filed against her. And we know that such complaints, themselves, are shrouded in secrecy as the Judiciary is more concerned for masking the appearance of the integrity than reigning in the behaviors and actions of renegade members of the bench.
So that LDH does not feel left out (or targeted), Legalhotwater has judicial misconduct complaints against several judges in the Southern District of New York federal court including Laura Taylor Swain (3) {The list is too great to name here, these complaints go back three (3) years and three (3) separate cases}; Jesse M. Furman (1) {Government benefits fraud and identity theft - hey what's your (middle) name btw?}; Jennifer L. Rochon (informal), and Robert W. LehrBurger (1) {2A Complaint with seven figures in damages fraud involving Florida which has absolutely nothing to do with 2A in New York}. Without a doubt the most egregious criminal misconduct ever witnessed from the bench was via Jesse M. Furman a President Obama appointee. In short, the reference made to the John Dillinger gang is not made lightly and very much supported by facts not hyperbole.
Where has Congress been all along? How about the United Nations? The corruption is so great that a very compelling argument illustrates the United States has abdicated its sovereignty requiring intervention via the United Nations. And all along these government mobsters have collected paychecks from the United States Treasury and continue to do so while, concurrently, the United States government has knowingly, willfully, and intentionally defrauded Legalhotwater of damages.
Government Accountability
So, in case you are keeping score, the United States Department of Justice is shrouded in secrecy to the level of corruption giving rise to these FBI Files data dumps – all of which enabled from the bench, ante, LDH. And what is the answer to the issues with secrecy? More secrecy – in this case from the Bench. And how are all of these problems managed? Criminal Spying which is primarily done via 702 FISA PRISM which basically is quasi legislation that the federal government uses to spy on whomever they want whenever they want -- without a warrant and without cause. And this fact is irrefutable as it was exposed via former House Representative Matt Gaetz (FL-1). Thus, Congress knows all about this problem and does nothing aside from their public Dog and Pony show. In fact, individual Congress members have been known to use the same abusive 702 FISA PRISM to advance their individual agenda. In short, the reality is that there is no such thing as Privacy via the Bill of Rights, impeachment of federal judges, indictment of public officials – and most importantly there is, absolutely, no such thing as government accountability.
Perhaps this raises an even more perplexing question...It is beyond obvious that the, now, United States successfully won The Revolutionary War with the Red Coats, in (very) large part derived from the same and extremely heightened issues in which the United States, now, engages i.e. Freedom of Speech suppression and censorship, especially with respect to journalism and government watchdog related activities i.e. government spying, government cover ups, and the complete absence of privacy. Thus, the age old adage proves truthful, here, again:
"He who does not know or willfully forgets his history is destined to repeat it."
The only questions that remain is who will be the victor and the loser in the subsequent war.
Read on.
2021 FBI Data Dump: Volume One, Chapter Six