The FBI Cover Up Conclaves
As promised folks, Legalhotwater has started releasing files per the more than 3.5 year Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") lawsuit against the rogue Federal Bureau of Investigation which is a component of the United States Department of Justice. We are now on batch release #5. This is what the FBI per its self proclaimed "Above the Law" status withheld for more than 3 years.
See if you can make sense of this heavily redacted material. This is what happens when your government goes rogue and declares itself above the law, answering to no one emboldened with their very own federal pocket judges i.e. Leshann DeArcy Monique Hall (LDH) in the Eastern District of New York federal court.
It would seem as though the United States Department of Justice will stop at nothing to cover up for its crimes. This latest data dump is bound to be doozie. The United States Department of Justice is so overwhelmingly corrupt it is breathtaking. The level of fraud coming out of this government agency is truly mindboggling. Their MO. If they can't be you they spy on your every move, which is not limited via geographical boundaries. Thus, if you are outside of the United States you are, also, likely to be subjected to criminal international spying. And the spying on Legalhotwater with the intent to cover up for their crimes has been ongoing for quite sometime.
What do other government agencies know? We will find out soon. For, now, know that Justice is behind most if not all of the criminal spying which is primarily done via 702 FISA PRISM which basically is quasi legislation that the federal government uses to spy on whomever they want whenever they want -- without a warrant and without cause. They do so to get back at political opponents and to cover up for their crimes. Justice deploys hidden camera devices behind electrical outlets and overhead fans to watch your every move. And your bedroom is NOT off limits. In order words, Justice watches who you fuck and if you fuck; maybe they get their jollies off in the process or simply use such information to store in their databases to use for blackmail or extortion at a time of Justice's choosing. This government is extremely abusive and corrupt beyond measure.
Read on.
2021 FBI Data Dump: Volume One, Chapter Five